Fixing a Broken Denture at Home

Denture Repairs

The dental world has been hard at work, bringing in all sorts of cool ideas and fancy tech to make our pearly whites shine brighter than ever. One of their genius creations is dentures. Now, these dentures are designed to fix up dental disorders and tackle those annoying tooth problems head-on. But hey, even with all their jaw-dropping benefits for our dental and overall health, sometimes they can go a bit wonky. Yep, even our trusty dentures need a little TLC now and then!

Dealing with faulty dentures can be a real bother, especially when you’ve grown used to relying on them and reaping their wonderful benefits. But here’s the good news: faulty dentures don’t have to haunt you forever because they can actually be fixed. You’ve got options! You can either hand them over to a skilled dentist who will work their magic and bring your dentures back to life, or you can take matters into your own hands and fix them yourself in the comfort of your humble abode.

Now, DIY denture repair might sound pretty tempting, especially in this age of DIY fixes for just about everything under the sun. But here’s the thing: not everything is meant to be tinkered with by amateurs, and dentures fall into that category. Trust me, there are some conditions you need to consider before embarking on a DIY denture adventure. Ignoring these conditions could potentially lead to more damage, not only to your dentures but also to your precious dental health.

So, while the idea of playing dentist and fixing your own dentures may seem enticing, it’s essential to ponder whether the DIY approach is really suitable for every situation or item. Dentures are one of those items that demand this crucial question be asked.

Is a Do-it-Yourself Fix Right for Dentures?

We all know that feeling when your trusty dentures decide to break or misbehave. It’s like they know just how much you’ve come to rely on them! When that happens, the first instinct is to fix the problem ASAP. But before you grab your toolkit, it’s crucial to understand the conditions that make a do-it-yourself denture repair a good idea. Ignoring these conditions could put your precious pearly whites in serious danger.  The risks will be discussed later. But first, what conditions must you know? They include:

  1. The risks involved: A do-it-yourself fix for broken dentures is good, but risks are attached if you follow the appropriate procedure for fixing them. These risks include:
  • Irritation with the gum
  • Discomfort to your jaw
  • Denture fitting issues
  • Exposing your oral health to toxic substances.

Hence, before considering a do-it-yourself fix for your broken dentures, you should consider the abovementioned risks.

  1. How long the fix last: This can also be described as the intention behind fixing the dentures yourself. It is understood that breaks in dentures can happen when and where you least expect them, and a do-it-yourself fix is the most viable option you can choose. Still, it would help if you stopped to consider how long the fix will last or be used. When it comes to fixing dentures, there are two options concerning the intent behind or how long the fix will last.

There is the option of a short-term fix, and there is the option of a long-term fix. A short-term fix is something you consider when you want the dentures repaired immediately or if you want to continue using them pending when you see your dentist. The long-term fix is the repairs or recommendations you get when a dental professional addresses the broken dentures.

To answer the question, a do-it-yourself fix for broken dentures is the right thing to do only when it is used for a short-term solution.

When to Consider a DIY Fix for a Broken Denture?

Even the most reliable dentures can betray us at the most inconvenient times. It’s those moments when we least expect it, and rushing to the dentist seems like an impossible feat. That’s when a little DIY magic might just come to the rescue.

While a DIY fix can work wonders, it’s not without its fair share of risks. You see, it’s crucial to know the proper procedures and techniques when embarking on a denture-rescuing mission. Without that knowledge, you might inadvertently create more problems than you solve. Nobody wants that, right?

Before you don your DIY cape and set out on a denture-fixing adventure, it’s essential to understand the ins and outs of the process. By arming yourself with knowledge, you can avoid those potential risks lurking in the shadows. After all, we want your dentures to shine bright and serve you well, without any unintended consequences.

Top-notch Tips for DIY Fixing of Broken Dentures

Many encounter problems with their dentures after they try fixing themselves because they need to learn the proper tips and measures to follow. Hence, these are helpful tips for conducting a DIY fix on broken dentures:

  • Book an appointment with your dentist:  

Faulty dentures happen when you least expect them, so you should let your dentist know about them before you fix the broken dentures yourself. This allows you and your dentist to arrange when to meet and have the dentures fixed. This tip is essential because any fix you carry out on your broken denture is not a permanent fix to the problem, and the appointment is what brings about a permanent fix to a broken denture.

  1. Get a denture repair kit:

From the call with your dentist, you will have recommendations on the ideal denture repair kit for a DIY denture fix. Most denture repair kits can be obtained from grocery stores, supermarkets, and dental stores. However, these denture repair kits are described as permanent solutions to broken dentures, but they are not. The kits described as a permanent fix are nothing but a marketing campaign manufacturers use. The permanent fix comes after you have seen your dentist and the dentist has worked on the broken denture.

  1. You can use conventional glues, but exact caution:

Sometimes you need access to stores to get a denture repair kit. You can repair the denture with any conventional glue, like super glue. However, there is one bit of caution you must exact, and it is allowing the applied glue to dry completely before using the denture. This is because these kinds of glues contain toxins that should not be ingested into the body, unlike glues in dental repair kits that do not contain any toxins. Not waiting for the glues to dry properly before using results in some of the risks associated with DIY denture fixes, ranging from irritations in your gum to ingesting toxins into your system.

  1. Visit the dentist when you can:

You have repaired your broken dentures, which should serve you temporarily. Still, optimal functionality is not guaranteed because there are bound to be some deficiencies in the denture design after the break. This is why you should visit the dentist when you can, so you do not risk compromising your dental health.

 However, you can forego seeing a dentist after a DIY broken denture fix when you are a dental engineer or technician. A dental engineer or technician is a professional that designs dental apparatus, like dentures. Hence, when the DIY fix is conducted by this professional, the intervention of a dentist is not necessary because the risks involved are minimized.


Having your dentures fixed yourself is a good idea, but what is a bad idea is not seeking the intervention of a dental professional after the DIY fix. This is because you expose your dental health to various risks, and these risks have been discussed in this article.
