Denture Repairs

Fixing a Broken Denture at Home

The dental world has been hard at work, bringing in all sorts of cool ideas and fancy tech to make our pearly whites shine brighter than ever. One of their genius creations is dentures. Now, these dentures are designed to fix up dental disorders and tackle those annoying tooth problems head-on. But hey, even with…

Removable Dentures

Pros & Cons of Removable Dentures

You typically have three alternatives for dentures if you are missing one or more teeth, and they are as follows: Fixed bridges, partial dentures that are detachable, and dental implants (RPD). These three alternatives all support your ability to use your teeth normally (for chewing and speaking), stop your natural teeth from shifting, and, to…

implant retained dentures gold coast

5 Reasons Dental Implants Will Make You Smile

Smiling is a vital part of daily life since it allows us to communicate feelings beyond than only happiness. Your capacity to express yourself in both your personal and professional life is likely considerably diminished if you are hesitant to grin. Eating certain items in public may be challenging if one or more teeth are…

A young female smiling in the denture clinic chair

5 Things You Should Know About Dental Implants

Tooth loss is an awful but all-too-common occurrence for many people. Dentures were the only option for repairing missing teeth a few years ago. It was, however, a huge bother that caused a lot of suffering and pain. Today, there is the option of dental implants, which are the gold standard in tooth replacement. Dental…